Spanish Society for Linguistic Historiography (SEHL) is a non profit-making
organization that since 1995 gathers philologists and linguists specialised in
Linguistic Historiography. Its main foundational objective is to promote and
divulge the knowledge of the sciences of language, through the epistemological
evolution of its different subjects, mainly developed within the Hispanic scope,
such as Philology, Grammar, Rhetoric, Semantics, Pragmatics, Lexicography,
Philosophy of language, etc.
By statutory agreement, SEHL is governed by three collective bodies: the General Assembly (Asamblea General), the Permanent Board (Junta Permanente) and the Executive Committee (Comisión Ejecutiva).
The General Assembly is made up of all the regular members. At present, the Society has around 150 members from almost all the Spanish universities, as well as from other Institutions, Research Centres, La Real Academia Española (the Spanish Royal Academy) and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC). Likewise, researchers from other European and American countries with an ample tradition in the studies of Spanish Linguistic Historiography, such as Germany, France, Belgium, Mexico, United States or Brazil, take part in SEHL
The Permanent Board is the governing
body between assemblies and, since the Third International Conference held in
Vigo, February 2001, is represented by the following members:
Lingüística General
Facultad de Filosofía y
Universidad de Córdoba
de Letras
Universidad de Murcia
Teoría de la Literatura y Lingüística General
Facultad de
Filología y Traducción
Universidad de Vigo
The Executive committee, delegated organ of the Permanent Board consists of the Chair, the Vice-chair and the Secretary-Treasurer.
SEHL, fulfilling one of the objectives described in the second article of our Statutes, that is, to further and sponsor those publications of interest for the Society, has edited 2 informative bulletins (BISEHL). The first one was published in Córdoba, January 1998. In the second assembly the society held during the Second International Conference, in León, March 1999, they agreed on publishing the second BISEHL in Valencia. This came out in 2000 under the supervision of Dra. Dª Mª José Martínez Alcalde.
The organization of international conferences
devoted to linguistic historiography is one of the main activities of the
Society, as it is described in our statutes, in order to promote and facilitate
the meeting and exchange of ideas among its members and researchers. Up to this
moment we have held three scientific conferences of this kind.
The first International Conference of SEHL took place in the University of Coruña (18-21 February 1997). The organization of this Conference was in charge of the Departments of General Linguistics and Literary Theory and of Spanish and Latin Philology, together with the C.I.L.L. ‘Ramón Piñero’ (Santiago de Compostela) dependant on the Dirección General de Política Lingüística of the Xunta de Galicia, The Foundation Pedro Barrié de la Maza, the Banco Pastor and the Ministry of Education and Culture.
The organizing committee was chaired by Dr. D. Manuel Casado and Dr. D. Mauro Fernández and as conveners, Dr. D. Francisco García Gondar, Dr. D. Xosé Ignacio Pérez Pascual, Dra. Dª Gabriela Prego, Dra. Dra. Dª Dolores Sánchez Palomino and Dra. Dª Nancy Vázquez Veiga.
More than 150 delegates attended this first Conference. 50 papers were read and 6 plenary sessions were presented by outstanding lecturers from Germany, Spain and Mexico, that is, dr. D. E.F. Konrad Koerner, Dr. D. Constantino García, Dr. D. Juan M. Lope Blanch, Dr. D. Juan Clemente Zamora Munné and Dr. D. Hans-Joseph Niederehe.
In 1999, Arco/Libros S. L. published the proceedings of this First International Conference (750 pages). The edition was prepared by the faculty members of the universities of Coruña and Santiago de Compostela, and members of the organizing committee of the Conference: Dr. D. Mauro Fernández Rodríguez, Dr. D. Francisco García Gondar and Dra. Dª Nancy Vázquez Veiga.
The Second International Conference was held in the University of Leon (2-5 March 1999), fulfilling in this way the agreement reached at the first general assembly (Coruña, 1997) concerning the seat of the following Conference. It was organized, on this occasion, by the Department of Spanish Philology of the University of Leon and it had as financial support the collaboration of diverse institutions, such as the Vicerrectorado de Relaciones Institucionales y Culturales of the University of Leon, the Ministry of Education and Culture, la Junta de Castilla y León, la Diputación de León and the Council of Astorga.
The organizing committee was chaired by Dr. D. Salvador Gutiérrez Ordóñez and convened by Dr. Dª Marina Maquieira and Dra. Dª María Dolores Martínez Gavilán. These were assisted by 12 collaborators.
180 participants attended this event. Over 90 papers were read and 5 lecturers of prestigious renown were invited to take part in the plenary session: Dr. D. Lido Nieto Jiménez, Dr. D.Fernando González Ollé, Dr. D. Manuel Breva Claramonte, Dr. D. José Gómez Asencio and Dr. D. Antonio Quilis.
The proceedings of this Conference have just been published by Arco/Libros S. L. (1024 pages) and have been edited by Dra. Dª Marina Maquieira Rodríguez, Dra. Dª María Dolores Martínez Gavilán and Milka Villayandre Llamazares.
The holding of this second conference has consolidated the Society for Linguistic Historiography, as it is evidenced in the critical reviews from both, home and abroad, for example the one published by Dr. Gerda Hassler from the University of Potsdam ("Second International Conference of the Spanish Society for Linguistic Historiography", Beiträge zur Geschichte der Srachwissenschaft 9, 1999, pages 245-249), who has highlighted the interest of the research papers in linguistic historiography presented so far in our Conferences.
The Third International Conference of SEHL was held
at the University of Vigo (7-10 February 2001). It was organized by the
Department of Spanish Philology of the Faculty of Philology and Translation.
The organizing committee was chaired by Dr. D. Ramón Sarmiento González. As
convenerss we had Dr. D. Javier de Agustín Guijarro, Dra. Dª Inmaculada
Concepción Báez Montero, Dra. Dª Carmen Cabeza Pereiro, Dra. Dª María José
Corvo Sánchez, Dr. D. Benigno Fernández Salgado, Dra. Dª María Rosa Pérez
Rodríguez and Dr. D. Fernando Romo Feito.
The secretaries of this
Conference were Dr. D. Miguel Ángel Esparza Torres and Dr. D. Antonio Rifón
This Third Conference counted
with 6 lectures of prestige: Dr. D. Ángel Garrido Gallardo (C.S.I.C.), Dra. Dª
Gerda Hassler (University of Potsdam, Germany), Dra. Dª María Do Carmo
Henríquez Salido (University of Vigo), Dr. D. Juan Martínez Marín (University
of Granada), Dr. D. Francis Tollis (University of Pau) and Dr. D. Amadeu
Torres (Uiversity of Minho). 81 papers were read and will soon be published as